Masks required on the 3rd and 4th Shabbat of the month. In-person attendance is open to members & their guests .
Please contact us if you are not connected with a member and wish to attend.

Historically a lay-led community, T'chiyah is fundamentally shaped and sustained by its members through committee work. Day-to-day operations are handled by our staff, and bigger picture decisions are addressed by our elected Board of Trustees. Our Rabbi serves to lead, organize and inspire our community to remain true to our communal vision and our progressive Jewish values.
Our Staff

R' Alana Alpert (she/her)
Since 2015, Rabbi Alana Alpert has led our community in prayer and protest as rabbi of Congregation T'chiyah, and founding director emerita of Detroit Jews for Justice. A California native, Rabbi Alana Alpert is excited to be reclaiming her Detroit roots (her great-grandfather had a men's wear store on 8 mile).

Jake (he/him)
Operations & Engagement Manager
Originally hired as our Community Engagement Associate thanks to a generous grant from the D. Dan & Betty Kahn Foundation, Jake has served T'chiyah as a full-time staffer since Spring 2018. A native of Long Island, New York, Jake has been a resident of Detroit and its environs since 2015. He holds a bachelors degree in comparative religion from Hampshire College and a masters degree in interpersonal social work and Certificate in Jewish Communal Leadership from the University of Michigan School of Social Work. As T'chiyah's sole staffer besides Rabbi Alana, Jake wears many hats. His primary responsibilities include: connecting with T'chiyahniks and prospective members in one-on-one meetings to learn about who they are and what they bring to our co-created community; supporting congregational teams like our Levites (Musical Daveners), neighborhood mutual aid groups, and LGBTQ+ Task Force; and designing edifying educational/social/spiritual programs to keep our congregants well-connected and meaningfully engaged with Jewish tradition. He draws on his social work training to assist Rabbi Alana in providing pastoral care to congregants, and offers his experience as a songleader to enliven T'chiyah's Shabbat and holiday services with participatory music and song. He also manages much of T'chiyah's administrative business, including social media, communications and database management. Jake is passionate about nourishing a creative, do-it-yourself ethos to religious practice, and enjoys studying revolutionary political movements, singing folksongs, and gardening with his family.
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We're looking forward to continue to strengthen our spiritual community with the strong, dynamic, socially conscious people at T'chiyah. Every event is always a beautiful celebration of Judaism with a powerful sense of community and social awareness.
- Shaina B. (she/her)
Parent, movement artist, member since 2020