Masks required on the 3rd and 4th Shabbat of the month. In-person attendance is open to members & their guests .
Please contact us if you are not connected with a member and wish to attend.

Developing strong connections between our beautifully diverse membership
We want a sense of togetherness and belonging to accompany our members both inside and outside the synagogue walls. Our Kehillah Committee works on initiatives designed to build and strengthen real connections between members, including social gatherings, our quarterly newsletter, Shabbat dinner matching, and more. As an intentionally diverse community, we are especially interested in cultivating meaningful relationships across lines of age, race, ability and other factors of difference.
The work of kehillah also includes the facilitation of affinity groups, which complement our work of being a broadly inclusive community by making space for people of shared identities to connect.
Our current Affinity Groups are: ​
Jews of Color
LGBTQI+ T'chiyahniks
Multifaith Partnerships/Households